Inside the Virtual Machine

You will get this presentation below, where the only bookmark is the tutorial that you are doing now!

Open a new Terminal ( the icon is at the top, shown here circled in red) and type ls.

You will get the list of files: ATLAS, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Dropbox, Public, README and

Go into the ATLAS/analysis folder

cd ATLAS/analysis

Run the script to setup ROOT.


Go into the atlas-outreach-data-tools-framework-1.0 folder

cd atlas-outreach-data-tools-framework-1.0

and list the files in the directory


Here you will see Analysis, Configurations, Input, Output, Plotting and results folders plus two python scripts and

Take a look at the datasets.

Data and simulated data root ntuples are in the Input folder.

Take a look

cd Input

ls Data

You will see there are two datasets in the Data directory, DataEgamma.root and DataMuons.root

Now let's take a closer look at ome of these.
Launch root, attaching your chosen dataset

root Data/DataEgamma.root

Use Tbrowser to look at the different variables available.

Then plot the variables.

Take a look at some of the other variables. See if you can understand the shape of the distributions.
When you want to finish looking at the dataset, quit root

- q

Cloud client

You can install a Cloud client to keep a real time contact with your two machines.

Use Dropbox (included) or Google Drive Client to share files between your VM and your host OS:

Now you are ready to start your analysis of the data.

Go to the Software Book to learn how to run and produce plots.

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    No results matching ""