Variable names

Here are the definitions of the variable names as used in the analysis code and in the ntuples.

variable name ntuple branchname type description
runNumber runNumber int run identifier
eventNumber eventNumber int event identifier
channelNumber int Data sample ID eg WW sample 105985
mcWeight mcWeight float weight of a simulated event
pvxp_n pvxp_n int number of primary vertices
vxp_z vxp_z float z-position of the primary vertex
SF_PILEUP scaleFactor_PILEUP float scalefactor for pileup reweighting. It effectively reweights the profile of average interactions per bunch crossing so that simulated data is the same as measured data.
SF_Ele scaleFactor_ELE float scalefactor for electron efficiency
SF_Mu scaleFactor_MUON float scalefactor for muon efficiency
SF_BTag scaleFactor_BTAG float scalefactor for btagging algorithm. Should only be applied if analysis is specifically using b-tagging.
SF_Trigger scaleFactor_TRIGGER float scalefactor to account for the different operating efficiencies of the used triggers.
SF_JVF scaleFactor_JVFSF float scalefactor for jet vertex fraction.
SF_ZVertex scaleFactor_ZVERTEX float scalefactor to reweight the distribution of the z position of the primary vertex.
trigE trigE bool boolean whether a standard trigger has fired in the egamma stream
trigM trigM bool boolean whether a standard trigger has fired in the muon stream
passGRL passGRL bool signifies whether event passes the Good Run List may be put in isGoodEvent
hasGoodVertex hasGoodVertex bool signifies whether the event has at least one good vertex where Ntracks > 4
Lep_n lep_n int number of preselected leptons
lep_truthMatched vector<.bool> boolean indicating whether the lepton is matched to a simulated lepton
Lep_trigMatch lep_trigMatched vector<.bool> boolean signifying whether the lepton is the one triggering the event
Lep_pt lep_pt vector<.float> transverse momentum of the lepton
Lep_eta lep_eta vector<.float> pseudorapidity of the lepton
Lep_phi lep_phi vector<.float> azimuthal angle of the lepton
Lep_e lep_E vector<.float> energy of the lepton
Lep_z0 lep_z0 vector<.float> z-coordinate of the track associated to the lepton wrt. the primary vertex
Lep_charge lep_charge vector<.float> charge of the lepton
Lep_pdgid lep_type vector<.int> number signifying the lepton type (e, mu, tau) of the lepton
Lep_flag lep_flag vector<.int> bitmask implementing object cuts
Lep_ptcone30 lep_ptcone30 vector<.float> scalar sum of track pTs in a cone of R=0.3 around lepton, not including lepton itself
Lep_etcone20 lep_etcone20 vector<.float> scalar sum of track ETs in a cone of R=0.2 around lepton, not including lepton ET itself
Lep_d0 lep_trackd0pvunbiased vector<.float> d0 of the track associated to the lepton at the point of closest approach (p.o.a.)
Lep_d0sig lep_tracksigd0pvunbiased vector<.float> d0 signifcance of the track associated to the lepton at the p.o.a.
Met_et met_et float Transverse energy of the missing momentum vector
Met_phi met_phi float Azimuthal angle of the missing momentum vector
Jet_n jet_n int number of selected jets
alljet_n int total number of jets in event
Jet_pt jet_pt vector<.float> transverse momentum of the jet
Jet_eta jet_eta vector<.float> pseudorapidity of the jet
Jet_phi jet_phi vector<.float> azimuthal angle of the jet
Jet_e jet_E vector<.float> energy of the jet
Jet_mass jet_m vector<.float> invariant mass of the jet
Jet_jvf jet_jvf vector<.float> jet vertex fraction of the jet
Jet_flag jet_flag vector<.int> bitmask implementing object cuts of the top group
truepdgid jet_trueflav vector<.int> flavor of the simulated jet
isTrueJet jet_truthMatched vector<.int> information whether the jet matches a simulated jet
jet_SV0 vector<.float> Weight from algorithm that reconstructs Secondary Vertices associated with a jet
Jet_mv1 jet_MV1 vector<.float> Weight from algorithm based on Multi-Variate technique

The scalefactors correct for known differences between data and simulated data.

Reading the datasets.

The data is stored in ROOT tuples, which can be looked at directly using ROOT TBrowser.

In the provided analysis code the tuples are read by

Some of the variable names have been 'redefined' in
For example

self.Lep_d0 = self.activate("f", "lep_trackd0pvunbiased", max_Lep)

So the snappily named tuple variable lep_trackd0pvunbiased can be accessed as just Lep_d0 in the analysis code.

The Lorentz vector.

Four-momentum is a four-vector in spacetime. It is useful in relativistic calculations because it is a Lorentz vector. This means that it is easy to keep track of how it transforms under Lorentz transformations.

TLorentzVector is a general four-vector class in ROOT, which can be used either for the description of position and time (x,y,z,t) or momentum and energy (px,py,pz,E).

In it is defined

In various analyses it is used e.g.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""